Forestry England’s Plans for Swarland Wood
The Parish Council recently hosted a well-attended community meeting with Alex MacLennan, Recreation and Public Affairs Manager for Forestry England. Forestry England will be carrying out work later in the year to tackle the damage done by Storm Arwen. Alex explained that there will be a combination of both clearing and thinning trees in the affected areas shown in the map.
The work will begin in September and the felled timber will be removed by January 2024, following which re-planting will take place. Clearing will be of conifers only and the area where there are bluebells should not be affected. Alex was keen to stress that public safety will be a top priority for the contractors carrying out the work.
Whilst there will be significant disruption from the harvesting machines and timber lorries, Alex explained that in the longer term the work will provide an opportunity for natural regeneration within the wood and for more mixed re-planting. A thorough ecological survey will be carried out before the work begins, and the local Red Squirrel group are already in discussions with the FE ecologist to try to minimise disturbance to the squirrel population.
Forestry England recognise how important the Wood is to local residents and are keen to involve the community as far as possible. Some suggestions have already been made including creating a ‘dark sky’ area, installing benches and involving the community in re-planting.
Alex responded to questions from the audience and the key points will be available on the Parish Council website shortly. As more detailed plans become available these will also be shared.